Hi, My Name Is Allen...

Monday, September 12, 2011

Your God sure is fickle.

Lots of my readers are in the states, so I will start this post with a bit of context. One of the biggest news stories in Canada this past week was about a little boy, Kienan, who went missing, presumably kidnapped, and was found a few days later. Here is a link if you are interested in reading more.

When Kienan was found, my facebook was swamped with messages about how God and prayer saved this boy. How thankful to God they are the boy is okay. And how the whole experience has reaffirmed their faith.

And while I said nothing on facebook, as I don't want to offend any of my friends and family, I feel the need to say that God is not responsible.

So many people sat by and watched the news, praying for a good outcome. Others got involved. Media worked together to spread a message to the kidnapper, begging him to return this boy. And he did. But to give the credit to God ignores those who actually worked and are responsible for his return, and allows those who just prayed to pat themselves on the back for "helping", helping convince God to save this boy.

But what about all the other kids that go missing and are never found. Does God love them less? Did they not have enough people praying? Or were they not praying faithfully enough?

Of course not. Every family prays for the return of their child, so why does "God" answer some prayers but not others? The only answer that makes sense to me, is that God doesn't answer any. So when kids are returned, it may still be a miracle, but it is a miracle of hard work, good luck, and in this case, the remorse of the kidnapper.

So quit feeling proud that your prayers helped save this boy. Because prayer had nothing to do with it.

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